We Support... Our Active, Veteran and Retired Military

We offer 25% off to active, veteran and retired military personnel. Call 805-603-5620 ext. 2 to receive a special promotion code for this discount offer.

We Support...Veteran Tickets Foundation (Vet Tix)

VetTix provides FREE event tickets to family members of troops Killed In Action (K.I.A.), our Military and Veterans to sporting events, concerts, performing arts and family activities. Urban Adventure Quest donates FREE Quests each year to this organization and offers discounts to veterans and their families who participate in VetTix.

This was an awesome event for my Navy Family Readiness Group. Many of the members are new to the city and this was a great way for them to see the fun parts of the city. I loved it and had a wonderful time.
Sarah Frankllin, Seattle, Wa.


This is a great opportunity to discover the city we go to so often. Thank you!  Robert, retired Air Force

Thanks for the discount. We purchased your San Diego Quest in November, which also then contributed to The Wounded Warriors Project. Had a great time running the game with my girlfriend and felt good about contributing to such a worthy cause at the same time.
John, retired Marine

Thanks again for the Military discount. My family and I had an awesome time running the Dallas quest! The length was perfect and the landmarks you picked for the quest were great to see. We even went back and revisited some when we finished - we are a bit competitive and wanted to finish well... The questions were great and, if anything, could be a bit harder, but some did require a certain level of attention to detail or you could miss them. It was definitely fun and we will certainly do another if we get to a city where you offer them. Any chance you'll have a Philadelphia adventure soon? We grew up there, but it would still be great to see the things we haven't seen since grade school. Once again, you offer a fantastic service and we truly appreciate the effort you put into making the day fun.
Ray, retired Navy